As featured in the May 2015 Materials Evaluation magazine.
The FAA and their international counterparts are in the process of establishing new, or tightening existing guidelines for aviation NDT inspection tool boxes.
Aerofab NDT has created the “Custom General Purpose NDT Kit,” to meet the exacting requirements for general purpose inspections.
Custom made to fit your specific needs, the following is a sample of what this box contains:
- Eddy Current – An assortment of 17 differential & reflection spot probes, universal rotary probes, and surface probes.
- Ultrasonic – An assortment of 18 ultrasonic probes in various sizes in AQ (Aircraft Quality) Steel and AQ Aluminum.
- Reference Standards – Custom 12-hole standards in AL, SS and TI, a custom low frequency standard, mini angle beam blocks in SS and AL.
- Cables & Adaptors – Available as needed for the instruments you use.
- Kit and Accessories – Pelican 500 Kit Box with custom foam cut outs to accommodate our parts and your instruments and color coded to highlight missing items, aerospace approved flashlights, tool tray, USB flash drive with all required certifications, custom plaque with kit box serial number and name. This kit is locking and on wheels. =
General Purpose Kit
Probe, General Purpose, & More